Speak Up

Speak Up is our confidential reporting and feedback hotline.

We are committed to the highest standards of ethical behavior and a culture of transparency and accountability.

What do I do if I want to raise a concern in relation to misconduct?

Are you an employee?
Employees and others having access to our intranet shall use the internal reporting channel to be accessed via our intranet.

Do you have a customer complaint?
Turn directly to your business contact at Epiroc. Please DO NOT use this channel for reporting concerns in relation to misconduct, which is handled by our Compliance team.

Who can report?
We invite our business contacts to report concerns in relation to misconduct to us.  Applicants, volunteers, trainees, self-employed persons, persons working under the supervision and control of customers, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers or other undertakings or bodies, shareholders, persons who are members of administrative, management or supervisory bodies or available for such positions may use the channel to report. Persons who have belonged to these categories and acquired the information during their time in such roles may also use the system to report and so do former employees. The same applies to persons whose work-based relationship is yet to begin in cases where information on breaches has been acquired during the recruitment process or other pre-contractual negotiations.

What can be reported?
Information on misconduct in violation of applicable laws (including European Union law), other irregularities in respect of which there is a public interest, violations of our Code of Conduct, our Business Partner Code of Conduct or Compliance Programs.

Through which channels can I report?
• For reporting in relation to all our Epiroc entities, reporting may, as before, be made via our Global Speak Up-Line, where all communication and follow up will be handled at Group level and persons appointed by Group Compliance.

Where can I access the reporting channels?
• Click on this link and report via the Web:
• You can also Call the Epiroc Speak Up number that shows up when you click on the link above.
Contact information on appointed authorities in your country is posted by the respective Epiroc local entity on their external website.

Will my identity be treated confidentially?
Persons who handle Speak Up cases may not make unauthorized disclosures of information that may reveal the identity of the reporting persons or third persons in the report.

Am I protected against retaliation?
Epiroc has zero tolerance for hindering reporting and retaliation if the reporting person has reasonable grounds to believe that the information on breaches reported is true in that country.

The Epiroc Way
Document ID: IMSGLOBAL-40-5251
Document Owner: Ylva Lindquist
Approved By: Charlotta Grahs
Approved Date:  2022-05-31
Version: Page: 1.0 2(2)


© Epiroc | Internal use only. This document is uncontrolled when printed. 2023-01-26 16:07

Privacy notice. Personal Data processed in the follow up of reported information will be processed only if the processing of the personal data is necessary for following up on reports and conducted in accordance with laws and regulations. Personal data will not be kept longer than necessary and no longer than two years.